A DIY Wahoo Board

Today’s post is from super crafter and cute mom, Amelia of The Homebook. I’ve never played Wahoo but this diy is leaving me ready for a game night.

diy wahoo board

Wahoo! Have you ever played? This game was a staple of my childhood. It’s fun for all ages (as long as all players know how to count) because there’s really no skill involved—it’s all based on your luck of the dice. Which means my competitive husband, who usually beats me in every game, sometimes loses. Precisely why I like it! Even better, it’s quite easy to make your own game board, as pretty as you like. I think that means everyone is a winner.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • one 2ft x 2ft piece of  ¾ inch plywood
  • drill with a ½ inch bit
  • pencil and ruler, for measuring
  • sandpaper
  • ¾ inch wooden balls (20)
  • ¾ inch wooden blocks (4)
  • paint in 4 different colors
  • foam brush

Step 1: Find the center of your sheet of plywood (12inches) and make a mark with your pencil. From that center mark, measure 1 ½ inches up, down, left and right, and mark with your pencil. From each of those marks, make 5 more marks, 1 ½ inches apart, forming a cross on the board. Make a mark on each side of those marks, 1 ½ inches apart, so that eventually each “arm” of the cross has three rows of six marks. Once your cross is formed, make 5 marks, 1 ½ inches apart, diagonally in each corner of the board. (You can sort of eyeball this part.) Phew! Are you still with me? It’s easier than it sounds, I promise.

Step 2: With a ½ inch bit, drill a hole at each pencil mark, except for the first mark you made, the center of the board. Erase that! Leave that un-drilled! Once all the holes have been drilled, sand the board until smooth.

Step 3: Paint the wooden balls, five in each color. Let dry.

Step 4: sing the tip of a paintbrush, dab dots onto the blocks to look like dice. Make 4 dice, one in each color. Let dry.

Step 5: Round up some friends and start playing!

A DIY Wahoo Board
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