Reversible Box Tote Finish
A while ago I decided that the ginormous tote I was using for emma’s diaper bag just wasn’t cutting it anymore and decided to make something a little more suited to my needs. I really needed something smaller and more
handdrawn handmade
A while ago I decided that the ginormous tote I was using for emma’s diaper bag just wasn’t cutting it anymore and decided to make something a little more suited to my needs. I really needed something smaller and more
Hi guys, I’m really excited to announce that Emma’s garden is now shipping to stores! If you want to get inspired by some projects using these fabrics, then you’re in luck. My blog tour starts tomorrow and it’s full of
I had the pleasure of participating in the second round of the Schnitzel and Boo mini quilt swap and it was so much fun! But, wouldn’t ya know I forgot to take a picture of the finished mini in my rush to
So, two three weeks after Quilt Market and I’m finally posting about it! As usual, it was a whirlwind, especially this time around because I packed up my booth, my baby and all the baby’s stuff to catch a plane to Pittsburgh!
Yup, it’s been awhile since I last posted, over 2 months to be exact… but there is a lot going on behind the scenes! I have a new fabric collection with Michael Miller debuting at Spring Quilt Market and it’s
I’ve been trying my hand at designing my own quilt blocks with graph paper and colored pencils and it’s so much fun! I’m focusing on blocks that can be pieced with simple squares and HSTs since that’s my current skill
I’m trying to get back in the swing of things here, with the blog that is. I’ve actually been working on lots of little projects I just hadn’t been able to get my act together enough to take photos, clean